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Batman Three Jokers #3 cover e endgame mohawk variant

Batman Three Jokers #3 cover e endgame mohawk variant


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(W) Geoff Johns
(A/CA) Jason Fabok

The final chapter of the most terrifying and personal Batman mystery is here!

Still reeling from their last encounter with the three Jokers, Batman, Batgirl, and Red Hood discover the terrible truth about the Three Jokers’ plot. Will the caped crusaders have the strength needed to put an end to the maniacal menaces’ master plan once and for all, or will it be lights out for good? You won’t want to miss the stunning conclusion of Batman: Three Jokers as it completes its trajectory as the ultimate examination of The Joker and his never-ending conflict with Batman.

Date Available: 10/27/2020


I was not going to review this. My honest opinion does not help sell this book but I had 2 customers ask me to, so here goes.
I give this book 1 graham for coming out, 1 graham for good enough artwork from Jason Fabok, 1 graham for for pretty good coloring by Brad Anderson and 1 graham for trying to tell a story that ties several decades of conflicting stories together. Emphasis on "tries".

Spoilers ahead.

Does this story answer why there are 3 Jokers?
No. I still have no idea.

Does this story tell you the name of the Joker?
No. Not even 1 of the 3 Jokers is named.

Does this story tell you why that name would be important?
Not really. Only if there is more to come. Ugh.

Does this story make Batman even more of a jerk?
Yes. This story makes it a plot point over and over and over that Batman refuses to do the right thing for his family.

Does this story contradict Geoff Johns' own story where Batman asks the Moebius Chair what the Joker's name is?
Yes. Batman asks the chair what is the Joker's name. This story tells me Batman already knew years before he even knew the chair existed.

Does this story fit into current DC continuity?
Not really. Totally unclear when this takes place.

Does this story fit into Nu52 continuity?
No. Again totally unclear when this takes place.

Does this story fit into pre-Nu52 continuity?
No. Again, again totally unclear when this takes place.

Does this story have Jason Todd carry scotch tape with him?
Yes. Because that's how prepared he is.

Did this story need to be told?
No, not even a little. It only serves as an excuse to make money based of Geoff Johns and the Joker's popularity. It basically causes even more contradictions and continuity errors.

Does this story obviously have an unneeded sequel in mind?
100%. It's only a matter of time before DC or Johns takes his unnecessary ending and makes another cash grab.

Nothing about this issue or this series remotely comes close to being worth a three year wait. There are tons and tons of good Joker stories. This is not one of them.

Rick Breg 4 out of 10 GRAHAMS

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