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Final Crisis #5 (2008) cover b

Final Crisis #5 (2008) cover b


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Written by Grant Morrison Art by J.G. Jones and Carlos Pacheco Covers by J.G. Jones & Jesus Merino
Humanity enslaved! Time shattered and bleeding! Anti-Life triumphant! Can Earth's demoralized, beaten heroes rally their scattered forces for the ultimate super-battle against the nightmare armies of Apokolips when the forces of good meet the forces of evil on the bridge to Blüdhaven? As Darkseid's presence causes reality itself to sicken and the lights to go out across the universe, as even the Guardians fall, the true power of the evil gods finally reveals itself, and a major character returns for a shocking conclusion. Does the secret of humankind's salvation lie in a mysterious cave painting and a bolt of lightning? Or has the Last Day come for us all? On sale October 29

Date Available: 12/10/2008

REVIEW by Brian Fisher

What can I say about Final Crisis that I haven’t already said? Yes, it’s still crazy confusing. Yes, it still makes no sense. Yes, the artwork is still inconsistent. But here’s one thing I haven’t already said about it… this issue isn’t half bad. Yes, it still has all of those problems I listed above, but as an issue it had a nice visual flow and a storyline I could follow from cover to cover. Does it bring any more clarity to the series as a whole? No, it doesn’t, but as an issue standing on its own it has its merits. The artwork, mostly from J.G. Jones with a few pages here and there from Carlos Pacheco, is much stronger than the last issue was with dynamic action and highly detailed splashes. This is pretty much straightforward action the whole way though, so there’s really not a lot of that Grant Morrison gobbledy-gook to try and wade through. And what’s wrong with an issue of super powered being beating the ever-loving stuffing out of each other? Nothing in my opinion. Does this one issue of quality make up for the past four issues of nonsense? No, but it does go a little way to make the series a bit more enjoyable.

I give it 7 out of 10 Grahams

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